About half of all devotees occasionally pretend (43 percent of Nattress, sample of 50). As fetish subculture ĭesires to pretend to be disabled and acquire a disability are extensions of the pathological disorder. In the standard psychiatric reference Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, text revision (DSM-IV-tr), the fetish falls under the general category of 'Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders' and the more specific category of paraphilia, or sexual fetishes this classification is preserved in DSM-5. A decade on, others argue that erotic target location error is at play, classifying the attraction as an identity disorder. Bruno (1997) systematised the attraction as factitious disability disorder. Until the 1990s, it tended to be described mostly as acrotomophilia, at the expense of other disabilities, or of the wish by some to pretend or acquire disability.