Akira from Ai Ore! Love Me! Many boys at his school are infatuated with him because of his cute, feminine appearance.Shinohome also has an obsession with Shiro, especially after Shiro cuts his hair to escape from him when made his Sex Slave. He also is known to cause plenty of Stupid Sexy Flanders and Ho Yay moments among straight guys. A bunch of drag queens later rope Shiro into crossdressing as a nurse and comment on how cute he is while releasing hearts marks and trying to get him to eat Body Sushi off one of them. And then there's Anri's fixation on him as well as the Ho Yay with Kojiro. Saburouta's friend and co-worker Wakabayashi has admitted to 'fucking Shiro at least fifty times' in his mind. Turns out that the man intended to capture Shiro for his beauty, planning to sell his services in prostitution. To be fair, Shiro was turning up the sex appeal in order to manipulate him. Lampshaded in story and a man blatantly hits on Shiro (who's already a Chick Magnet), while his heart is beating madly, including touching his face and comparing his eyes to �dewdrops�. Even the Guys Want Him in Anime and Manga.